PopUp Blocker Test - test your pop-up killer here




PopUp killer test 21/27

Actually not a pop-up, but very annoying. This test tries to open a sidebar in your browser. The pop-up killer failed the test if a pop-up is displayed in the sidebar, if you get annoying questions about adding a bookmark or if a pop-up appear.

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* is a difficult test, where may pop-up killers and web browsers fail.
Is CORBA using TLS a legitimate candidate in a one-to-many environment? The previous chapter made it clear that the CORBA implementation must use the optional TLS caching scheme to achieve reasonable performance. This must be a main concern when choosing a CORBA implementation. Despite using the TLS caching scheme, the problem of degraded performance exists during the first handshakes between client and servers. For each server, the client authenticates itself using a RSA private key operation. Long-term running clients might afford degraded performance during the first handshakes. This may not be the case for short-term running clients. Presumably they don't want to wait for one minute (assuming a 1024-bit key modulus) to carry out some operations on 100 servers. The conclusion is that CORBA using TLS in a one-to-many environment is a legitimate solution if the client can afford degraded performance when handshaking with the servers for the first time. Subsequent handshakes can use the TLS caching scheme to reduce CPU usage into a reasonable level.

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