Ebates Moe Money Maker
From the developer:
In downloading and/or installing the Moe Money Maker Software, you agree to the following:
1)Ebates and its agents may pop up brief alerts when you can save money by shopping through Ebates or by using the Moe Money Maker Software.
2)Ebates may direct your traffic to the merchant of your choice. This may be done a)by presenting a choice in a pop up alert asking whether you wish to save by shopping through Ebates, thereby directing your browser through Ebates in order to ensure you earn a reward, or b)by automatically routing you through Ebates and automatically earning you a cash-back discount with no further action on your part being necessary.
3)Ebates may disable or uninstall any other product or software tool that might interfere with the operability of the Moe Money Maker Software or otherwise preempt or render inoperative the Moe Money Maker Software in a manner that might jeopardize the ability of Ebates to earn you cash back discounts or coupon savings offered by Ebates. In installing the Moe Money Maker Software, you authorize Ebates to disable, uninstall, or delete any application or software that might, in Ebates' opinion nullify its function and put you at risk of loosing the cash-back savings that Moe Money Maker Software is designed to earn you.
4)If you would like to utilize another savings tool, you can simply uninstall the Moe Money Maker Software before installing a competitive application. The Moe Money Maker Software can be easily uninstalled through the standard 'add or remove programs' control panel, or through the Moe Money Maker's preference settings.
Ebates Moe Money Maker is bundled with file sharing programs such as Grokster.
An error message saying "WJView ERROR: Could not execute Main:
The system cannot find the file specified" is a sign of a partial installation
of Ebates Moe Money Maker.
Bundled software
EbatesMoeMoneyMaker.exe, Popup.exe, EbatesMoeMoneyMaker0.exe, EbatesMoeMoneyMaker1.exe
If you have any of the files related to Ebates Moe Money Maker on your system,
please send them
for additional analysis. Generally, I have only analysed a
few versions for each software component listed at this web site. With your help I
will be able to look at both old and more recent versions of the Ebates Moe Money Maker software.
Thank you very much for your time!
End User License Agreement
Privacy policy
Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner detects Ebates Moe Money Maker.
Bazooka is freeware and detects spyware, adware, foistware, trojan horses, viruses, worms and
other potentially unwanted applications.
Read more »
Uninstall notice
Please notice that you may loose your Ebates savings if you
uninstall the software.
Uninstall procedure
Uninstall Ebates Moe Money Maker from "Add/Remove Programs" in the Windows® Control Panel.
If you run into uninstall problems, please contact the vendor's customer support:
Customer Service,
Ebates Inc.,
5 Thomas Mellon Circle, Suite 225,
San Francisco, CA 94134
or by email at customerservice@ebates.com.
Uninstall Ebates Moe Money Maker with FreeFixer
I'm working on a general purpose tool for removing unwanted software.
The tool is called FreeFixer
and can help you remove unwanted Browser Helper Objects, Internet Explorer toolbars
and software that starts automatically when you reboot your computer, so it can offer some
assistance while uninstalling Ebates Moe Money Maker. The manual removal instructions
listed below will help you to identify what to delete with
Read more about FreeFixer.
Manual removal
Please follow the instructions below if you would like to remove Ebates Moe Money Maker manually. Please
notice that you must follow the instructions very carefully and delete everything that is mentioned. In most
cases the removal will fail if one single item is not deleted. If Ebates Moe Money Maker remains on your system
after stepping through the removal instructions, please double-check by stepping through them again.
Start the registry editor. This is done by clicking Start then Run.
(The Run dialog will appear.) Type regedit and click OK. (The registry editor will open.)
- Browse to the key:
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run'
- In the right pane, delete the value called 'EbatesMoeMoneyMaker', if it exists.
- Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall \ ebatesver2.xml \', if it exists.
- Exit the registry editor.
- Restart your computer.
- Delete the following directory and its content:
Note: %ProgramsDir% is a variable (?). By default, this is C:\Program Files.
Problems uninstalling? Click here.
I'm looking for your help!
Thank you for using my site, I hope you find it useful. I'm looking
for help from all users, please read more.
Contact information for Ebates Moe Money Maker's vendor
In order to provide correct, accurate and updated information about Ebates Moe Money Maker
I encourage the vendor to contact me if any part of this write-up
needs a revision.
Related links |
Bazooka - Free scan for spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, etc. Detects more than 500 potentially unwanted applications. Freeware!
The File Database - Search the file database for more information. Free!
PopUp Blocker Test - Find out if your pop-up killer can handle all pop-ups. Free!
Kephyr Labs - Find out what is going on at Kephyr. Try products in an early stage of development.