

ClientMan.bho1 is a browser helper object variant of the ClientMan spyware.

From the developer:

V -The user understands and acknowledges that the application and associated components may communicate from time to time with Odysseus Marketing, Inc server systems and/or that of its partners, and gives express permission for said communications and data transmissions of any and all types used by the application and any associated components.

VI -The user understands, acknowledges and agrees that the application and associated components may alter Internet browsing and/or computer user experiences in a manner acceptable to Odysseus Marketing Inc, in its sole discretion, including but not limited to, search engine query results, display of pop-up window messages, highlighting and hyperlinking of words on web pages, redirection of error message pages, changing of user home page, addition of bookmarks to user's browser, and/or other alterations/modifications.

VII -The user understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the application and/or associated components to collect personal information, including, but not limited to, name, demographic data, interests, profession, education, marital status, sex, age, income, and any other information Odysseus Marketing, Inc. decides to collect regarding user, at its sole discretion.

VIII -The user understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the application and/or associated components to collect information and data regarding Internet activity, including web sites visited, search queries conducted, applications installed and used, files present on user's hard drive or system, transactions conducted, and any other behavioral data deemed necessary by Odysseus marketing, Inc in its sole discretion.

IX -User understands, acknowledges, and gives express permission for the use of any data collected by Odysseus Marketing it sees fit, including the sharing, rental, or sale of any of said data or any portion thereof to any entity at the sole discretion of Odysseus Marketing, Inc. User expressly indemnifies and holds harmless Odysseus Marketing Inc. from any liability or consequence arising out of the possession, use, sale, or transfer of said data, and grants the ownership of any said collected data to Odysseus Marketing, Inc, including the rights to transfer ownership to another entity at any time for any reason. User understands and acknowledges that the permission granted for collection and use of data is irrevocable and survives any removal of the application and associated components.

X -User hereby gives authorization and permission for marketing offers and solicitations to be sent from Odysseus Marketing Inc or any of it's authorized partners via any methods deemed acceptable in Odysseus Marketing, Inc.'s sole discretion, including but not limited to web browser, email, instant messaging applications, or via proprietary delivery methods to user's system or desktop.

XI -User hereby understands and gives permission for application and/or any associated components to alter applications, files, and/or data so as to display information and/or marketing messages, including but not limited to file sharing applications, media viewers, and/or player applications.

XII -User hereby understand, acknowledges, and gives express permission for application and/or associated components to disable or delete applications and/or files deemed unfriendly or harmful to Odysseus Marketing, Inc or any of its partners in Odysseus Marketing Inc.'s sole discretion without notice to the user, and may auto-reinstall application and/or any associated components, unless approved auto-uninstall application is used.



If you have any of the files related to ClientMan.bho1 on your system, please send them for additional analysis. Generally, I have only analysed a few versions for each software component listed at this web site. With your help I will be able to look at both old and more recent versions of the ClientMan.bho1 software. Thank you very much for your time!




ClientMan  ClientMan.b99  ClientMan.bho1  ClientMan.bho2  ClientMan.msdaim  ClientMan.msibkd  ClientMan.mskhhe  ClientMan.msmc 


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End User License Agreement


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Bazooka Adware and Spyware Scanner detects ClientMan.bho1. Bazooka is freeware and detects spyware, adware, foistware, trojan horses, viruses, worms and other potentially unwanted applications. Read more »

Uninstall procedure

Odysseus Marketing offers an uninstaller (not tested).

Uninstall ClientMan.bho1 with FreeFixer

I'm working on a general purpose tool for removing unwanted software. The tool is called FreeFixer and can help you remove unwanted Browser Helper Objects, Internet Explorer toolbars and software that starts automatically when you reboot your computer, so it can offer some assistance while uninstalling ClientMan.bho1. The manual removal instructions listed below will help you to identify what to delete with FreeFixer.

Read more about FreeFixer.

Manual removal

Please follow the instructions below if you would like to remove ClientMan.bho1 manually. Please notice that you must follow the instructions very carefully and delete everything that is mentioned. In most cases the removal will fail if one single item is not deleted. If ClientMan.bho1 remains on your system after stepping through the removal instructions, please double-check by stepping through them again.

  1. Start the registry editor. This is done by clicking Start then Run. (The Run dialog will appear.) Type regedit and click OK. (The registry editor will open.)
  2. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ CLSID \ {94927A13-4AAA-476A-989D-392456427688}', if it exists.
  3. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ CLSID \ {96BE1D9A-9E54-4344-A27A-37C088D64FB4}', if it exists.
  4. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ CLSID \ {CC916B4B-BE44-4026-A19D-8C74BBD23361}', if it exists.
  5. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Classes \ CLSID \ {FCADDC14-BD46-408A-9842-CDBE1C6D37EB}', if it exists.
  6. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Browser Helper Objects \ {94927A13-4AAA-476A-989D-392456427688}', if it exists.
  7. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Browser Helper Objects \ {96BE1D9A-9E54-4344-A27A-37C088D64FB4}', if it exists.
  8. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Browser Helper Objects \ {CC916B4B-BE44-4026-A19D-8C74BBD23361}', if it exists.
  9. Delete 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Explorer \ Browser Helper Objects \ {FCADDC14-BD46-408A-9842-CDBE1C6D37EB}', if it exists.
  10. Exit the registry editor.
  11. Restart your computer.
  12. Delete the following files:
    Note: %SystemDir% is a variable (?). By default, this is C:\Windows\System (Windows 95/98/Me), C:\WINNT\System32 (Windows NT/2000), or C:\Windows\System32 (Windows XP).
  13. Start Microsoft Internet Explorer.
  14. In Internet Explorer, click Tools -> Internet Options.
  15. Click the Programs tab -> Reset Web Settings.

Problems uninstalling? Click here.

I'm looking for your help!

Thank you for using my site, I hope you find it useful. I'm looking for help from all users, please read more.

Contact information for ClientMan.bho1's vendor

In order to provide correct, accurate and updated information about ClientMan.bho1 I encourage the vendor to contact me if any part of this write-up needs a revision.

How do you rate the information provided about ClientMan.bho1?

Related links

Bazooka - Free scan for spyware, adware, trojan horses, keyloggers, etc. Detects more than 500 potentially unwanted applications. Freeware!

The File Database - Search the file database for more information. Free!

PopUp Blocker Test - Find out if your pop-up killer can handle all pop-ups. Free!

Kephyr Labs - Find out what is going on at Kephyr. Try products in an early stage of development.

Read more about FreeFixer, Kephyr's latest spyware removal tool.
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